Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Swing.....1.5 months vs. 10 months....

As Matt likes to say, after the two of us, the MVP of Desmond's first year are his two swings. He started out in a full sized swing and he loved it so much that we invested in a portable one as well for the upstairs (and we found it came in handy for trips as well!) He still loves his swing but (thankfully) does not need to be in it for hours on end any more. I really think at one point, he was in there for 8 hours a day! Now he only uses it some nights when he is tired but we want to keep him up later, if he does not feel well (teething), if he wakes up earlier in the morning than mom wants him to get up (stupid daylight savings) or won't take a nap (we are always guarenteed a nap when he's in that thing!). Many days he does not even use it. It's a good thing too as at 28 inches he's quickly approaching the height limit and it's days are numbered! Luckily his full sized swing is a bit bigger should we have any sleep / illness emergencies, we can still use that one! I posted this picture back in March but I think it was taken around the end of Februaray making Desmond about a month and a half. I just took the second picture tonight (he is just 3 days shy of his 10 month birthday).

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