Monday, March 25, 2013

Desmond Wears Dad's Shoes

Desmond likes to play with dad's shoes. He just grabs dad's shoes and tries to stick his feet into them and walk.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Desmond Gets Aunt Lois' Gifts

Seriously, it was a month long of celebrating his birthday because of the US postal service.

He's a big fan of the silly faces game.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Desmond Likes Pizza

Desmond plays with his toy pizza. He's a big fan of all pizza.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Desmond + His Phone

Desmond mimics adult use of a phone. He and dad chat about the phone and Desmond hams it up.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Des + Gramma on the Ipad Again

Des + Gramma play on the Ipad again. They get them hooked at a young age.

Some more time together. It's an online painting game...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Des + Cake

Desmond had a nice construction toy themed cake this year. He actually ate it this year compared to last year.

The sugar is too tempting. This cake had a raspberry filling. It was delicious. At 1:40, he shoves a giant piece in his mouth. Dad advises him to chew.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Des + Gramma Enjoy an Ipad

Des and Gramma spent some time playing on an Ipad. He was pretty surprised by the game.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Desmond's Birthday Party

The never-ending birthday was doubled by baptism festivities, tripled by other family members sending gifts and quadrupled by NFL playoffs.

Baby Jesus Notre Dame Christmas Eve homily reference.

He's advanced since last year with opening gifts and knowing they are for him.

Gramma had a friend at the fantastic Falcons-Seahawks game.

Desmond got a toy phone. It is suppose to keep him from wanting ours.

He really likes that phone. It has a fake slide option so they can pretend text.

Desmond received a Noah's Ark gift. The old folks got nostalgic for an old ride from the OOB that burned down before Desmond's dad was born.

Grampa tries to call him on his phone.

He won't let go of that phone.

He did like the big boards that show letters and numbers with music buttons to push.

Pats game was on in the background which distracted people.

He really likes this piggy bank. Big fan of it at night with dad.

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Desmond's Baptism

Desmond's baptism went off without a hitch. He had another toddler there to run around the church with, Eric, and he only said "No" once to the priest.

Here's the altar and baptismal jacuzzi as Gramma called it

Desmond walks around in his shirt, vest and tie and checks out the baptism area. Eric suggest we just throw him in and get it over with.

Desmond was pretty patient with the adults.

Like I said, Des had Eric to walk around with in the church.

He was pretty pumped by the attention and excitement.

Dad had to hold Des to keep him chill.

Des tried to ward him off with the wax off move, but the priest wouldnt be denied the oil.

For a kid who loves water, he was a bit apprehensive about the baptism. He was not having any of it, even with the baptismal bib.

He didn't care for the candle.

He is always up for ready set go, but he doesn't go.