Sunday, January 27, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013 Part 2

Oh the fun continued that night....

We started putting bows on his head again.

Desmond has many family members who spoil him rotten.

We need another kid just to break up Christmas from being so Desmond centric.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Christmas Eve with Desmond

It's alwasy a good time with Desmond. Here he is on Christmas Eve, opening gifts this year and being an active participant.

Toys that make noise.

Pepere gets involved. Not helping Mom and Dad here with the noise.

We make Mom be Santa since she is the closest to being an elf.

Seriously, how cute is he in that sweater? He's D Styles.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Des + Dad in the Snow

Snow Snow Snow, I wanna wash my hands... Oh we had snow in time for the holidays. Dad took Desmond out for some actual fun in the snow. It took him a while to get to walking in it, but he followed Dad around when push came to shove.

Of course he had to find sticks....

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Desmond + The Chopper

Desmond was playing with his helicopter and listening to Christmas music. He received the chopper last birthday, but it took him some time to grow into the toy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Desmond + the Catapult

Desmond played with Dad and the catapult. He has some rip roaring reactions. Note that he has to get up whent he music stops to then talk it back into playing. He does this with all albums.