Monday, December 24, 2012

Desmond Likes to Dance to Christmas Music

Desmond dancing and gibberish singing to Christmas music.

He likes the Michael McDonald album.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Kitchen Sword Fights

Sword fighting with kitchen utensils.

Dad slips in a Princess Bride reference.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mom Got Desmond laughing With Bang Bang

Mom got Desmond laughing hard by saying "bang bang bang".

He of course was subdued when I brought the camera out.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Des + Mom Play With Stickers

Desmond and Mom play with stickers. We all have a chuckle at how AJ pronounced trukey as 'kurkey' last year.

Erica does some play by play on this one as Desmond can't resist chasing the camera. Nice spin Erica to get him back to the window.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Visit Where Desmond was Attached to Erica's Laptop

Cousin Erica brought her laptop to finish a stats project while visiting. Desmond had other ideas of how to use that laptop.

There was an Elmo sketch with Adam Sandler. Sandler cracked out the Sandler voice for his Elmo sketch.

Des likes older Lady Gaga. He doesn't like her new stuff.

i don't know what rave dance he was doing here. He throws an 'e-i-e-i-o' in for good measure.

That's why Erica had to do her stats work while Desmond napped.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Halloween 2012

In 2012, we went as Peter Pan, Wendy and Captain Hook. We were out for 30 minutes until a couple of neighbors had their dogs free to welcome people at the door. Put your dogs away people, we don't care and they are not children even if you dress them up and put them in a stroller. Stop it. For one night, leave them away from the door.

This is our 86 year old neighbor. Very agile and spry. She plays tennis a couple of times a week.

Ha, he can walk this year!

What are the chances that we have a deaf neighbor, and the little Des WOULDN'T do the hand sign (cookie) that he knows by heart. We later received a Deaf Democrats note in the mailbox from him. Yeah, they had a micro-group outreach program.

He didn't get that he should hold the handle of the sword.

This last video was of a tired Desmond. Our newest neighbors had 3 huge bowls of candy. It was a down year for kids trick or treating, so we think the couple ended up eating 9 lbs of candy.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Did Peter Pan Put on Weight?

Dad and Desmodn mess around as Captain Hook and Peter Pan before trick or treating. Dad mentions how he looks like Link from Legend of Zelda. Either way he looks 'puffy'.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Desmond and Dad Conversate for a Few

Dad and Desmond play with a toy and talk a bit. Desmond would not let the camera out of his site or much beyond his grasp. Desmond was hoarse from all the jibber jabber when Gramma and Grampa visited.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Gramma + Grampa Visit Fall 2012

Gramm and Grampa came to visit. They spoiled Desmond. If this kid grows up to be a shit, I blame everyone else. Everyone lets him play with their cameras and Iphones. Everyone loves him, kisses him, and gives him everything he wants. There are maybe 3 people who say no to him with any frequency, and it's only Dad that can resist his tears.

He went bonkers for hats after this visit.

Desmond tires out Grampy in the next video. That is Desmond's MO.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Future Engineer or Architect

Maybe a little Art Vandelay in the making. I would hope for a Frank Lloyd Wright. It has become harder to film Desmond as he knows the sounds and wants to investigate the camcorder. Yeah, I typed camcorder.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

....and You Thought Desmond was Done

Like the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going. Eventually his other Pepere and Dad show up to keep him entertained.

Cursed be those who buy him Patriots ourfits.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Desmond + Pepere F

Massive lego structures, gibberish and horsing around were ont he docket for Pepere's visit. Here's a series of videos of the Desmond at work with Pepere. I think he wore Pepere down because Pep retires to the chair after a while, as Desmond keeps going.